Aspects: * Beat * Underlying pulse in music * Rhythm * Patterns of long and short sounds and silences found in music * Tempo * The speed of the beat. Music may be relatively fast or slow and may become faster or slower * Meter * the grouping of the beats * Beats can be grouped in any combination including 2,3,4,5,6,7 etc. * Regular and irregular meters * Metric groupings * Tempo * Rhythmic devices such as syncopation, augmentation, and diminution * Methods of notation duration, both traditional and graphic
Duration and it’s terms: * Meter and phrasing * Beat (steady/strong) * Time signatures: simple and compound. Common are 24, 34, 44, 68, 98. * Absence of time signature * Multimeter (changing time signatures) * Rhythmic phrase is regular or irregular * Rhythmic phrase is balanced or imbalanced. * Rhythm * Metrical (with regular pulse) * Syncopation * Rubato * Rhythmic ostinati * Repetitive patterns * Polyrhythms * Cross rhythms * Hemiola (metrical pattern in which two bars in simple triple are articulated as if they were three bars in simple duple) * Motivic development * Tempo * How fast or slow? * Changing or constant? * Do changes accentuate a musical climax?
Aspects: * High/low: * Pitches can be comparatively high or low * Direction of pitch movement: * Up, down, same level * Melody * A horizontal succession of pitches * Harmony * two or more pitches sounding together * indefinite pitch * untuned sounds, eg. The speaking voice * Definite pitch * Tuned sounds eg. The singing voice * Definite and indefinite pitch * Pitch direction and contour * Pitch patterns * Pitch range and register * Harmony * Methods of notation pitch, both