The 6 Key Decision Drivers
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This white paper discusses the 6 Key Decision Drivers that you should consider as you evaluate ERP software products. These 6 criteria are: • Functionality • Technology • Software Vendor • Implementation Vendor • Support & Maintenance • Total Cost of Ownership If you ask the right questions of software vendors you will collect the right information to make an informed decision when selecting an ERP solution. The software should provide you with more than a basic functional fit, it should provide a strategic advantage to drive efficiency and expand your business. You are buying a tool that you can use to support the business functions of your company and give you a competitive advantage. Because the technology business environment is constantly changing, evaluation of the software vendor is as crucial as the evaluation of the functionality. The right implementation partner brings experience, industry knowledge, best practices, and technical capabilities to the table. You should regard your ERP software as a key component of your organization that requires care, maintenance, and upgrading. By focusing on what you need and understanding the total cost of ownership of your software options, you make sure you pay the right amount for your software. When all six decision drivers are used, you gather the information you need to give you confidence that you have made the right decision.
The process of selecting enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can be a daunting task. How can you be sure that you are selecting an ERP solution that is a good fit for your company? SoftResources has spent the past 15 years assisting hundreds of organizations of all sizes through their software selection process. Through this experience we have found six key decision criteria that drive an organization’s software decision. Although there are never any guarantees that you will have a