Final part 1
If the 6 Rights of medications are thoroughly observed and followed by nurses then the medications errors are reduced.
During the past decade, patient safety within health care systems has been publicly scrutinized and critically examined from both human and monetary cost perspectives. “ It is estimated that medical errors are the eighth leading cause of death each year in the United States (Harding et al).” According to this study medication errors are common and have dire consequences, nurses very often misread MD orders and or make decision according to their intuition which may not be compliant to the 6 rights of medication administration. As the study goes on giving a sample of the noncompliance of the 6 rights …. “During Robert 's hospitalization for a hip replacement, the RN responds to his request for pain medication. She gives him 10 mg of morphine intravenously, which is two times the amount prescribed. Robert 's wife has difficulty waking him when she visits 15 minutes later. She calls the RN, who notes that Robert is very drowsy and his respirations are slow; he requires the administration of a drug to reverse this effect. Robert 's hospital stay is increased because of slower mobilization and recovery. The nurse responsible for the error has mistaken the available supplied dose of morphine (10 mg/mL) for the prescribed dosage (5 mg) on the medication administration record MAR (Harding et al).”
My second study case compared to Harding is focusing on a different approach it states “The five rights of medication administration alone don 't ensure solid medication management. A systems approach helps to prevent errors” which it writes that there needs to be a different protocol for example there should be standardized storage and stock, meds should not be in ambiguous container, and that stock-piling drugs in patient areas is risky for two reasons. First, bypassing the pharmacy dispensing system prevents the pharmacy
Citations: Harding, L. (2008). Nursing student medication errors: A restropective review. Journal of Nursing Education, Smetzer, J. (2001). Safer medication management. Nursing Management, 32(12), 44