Contemporary India with a scientist President and an economist Prime Minister is very successfully treading the fast track of development Starting from an utterly ruined and exploited country under the rule of the haughty Britishers who sponged away the India wealth, the story of India's success in the last 60 years, is one of the proverbial rise from 'rags to riches'. India's development within a short span of time, to the level of a country which on its own conducted nuclear test, joining the elite club of nuclear powers, and now becoming a rightful contender for getting a permanent seat in UN Security Council, speaks volumes about India's success.
Statistics and facts bear a testimony to this, that the country once thought to be just a place for the 'snake charmers' is making its presence felt in the land of 'elephants'. In fact, India is flourishing in the real sense, catching the imagination of the world and thus causing blinking of the eyes of westerners who are awestruck at the sudden metamorphosis of this sleeping giant. When Kanwal Sibal, a retired foreign secretary says, "there is little doubt that India became a major player in the international checker board. It forced the world to engage with India on an entirely new basis," there is no exaggeration in it. The truth of this statement is vindicated by the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Juan Yew, who says, "China and India will shake the world…, and in terms of global corporate presence and representation, India is ahead of China." India has arrived on the world market with a bang - five lakh engineers, 2.5 lakh doctors and 75 lakh graduates. Goldman Sach's BRIC report sees India as the third largest economy in the world by 2050. Another report says that by 2020 only, India will be the fourth largest economy.
All is going well for India now - an improved investment climate, high economic growth, a young population (70% population below 34 years of age)