050-01-01 Composition, extent, vertical division
8814. The troposphere is the:
A – part of the atmosphere above the stratosphere
B – part of the atmosphere below the tropopause
C – boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere
D – boundary between the stratosphere and the mesosphere
Ref: all
Ans: B
8817. What is the boundary layer between troposphere and stratosphere called:
A – Tropopause
B – Ionosphere
C – Stratosphere
D – Atmosphere
Ref: all
Ans: A
8824. The amount of water vapour which air can hold largely depends on:
A – relative humidity
B – air temperature
C – stability of air
D – dew point
Ref: all
Ans: B
8876. The tropopause is a level at which:
A – vertical currents are strongest
B – water vapour content is greatest
C – pressure remains constant
D – temperature ceases to fall with increasing height
Ref: all
Ans: D
8889. The tropopause is lower;
A – south of the equator than north of it
B – in summer than winter in moderate latitudes
C – over the North pole than over the equator
D – over the equator than over the South Pole
Ref: all
Ans: C
10050. What is the approximate composition of the dry air by volume in the troposphere? A – 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and the rest other gases
B – 10% oxygen, 89% nitrogen, and the rest other gases
C – 88% oxygen, 9% nitrogen, and the rest other gases
D – 50% oxygen, 40$ nitrogen and the rest other gases
Ref: all
Ans: A
10055. In which layer is most of the atmospheric humidity concentrated?
A – Troposphere
B – Tropopause
C – Stratosphere
D – Stratopause
Ref: all
Ans: A
10061. The thickness of the troposphere varies with:
A – latitude
B – longitude
C – rotation of the earth
D – the wind
Ref: all
Ans: A
10102. Going from the equator to the north pole, the altitude of the tropopause:
A – increases and its temperature increases
B – decreases and its temperature increases
C – increases and its temperature decreases
D – decreases and its temperature decreases
Ref: all
Ans: B