Established in 1870, this one-third million acre ranch sits in Guthrie, Texas which is approximately 93 miles east of Lubbock. The land originally was used for thousands of cattle and also was very rich in oil reservoirs. Now it is primarily a cattle company. The ranch has approximately 7,000 mother cows which reproduce yearly. After the calves are weaned they are then sent to a feedlot. The ranch also is known for its Quarter Horses which are bred for speed. However, the horses, unlike the cattle where a brand of an L on their left shoulder as opposed to the 6666 brand the cattle wear.
Along with the cattle side of the 4 - 6 ranch comes the very important business side. Not only do the cattle bring in income for the ranch but on the land also sit’s a supply house. It serves as a general store and a hardware store for the town and the ranch itself. It also has collectables and souvenirs, from feed to t-shirts, this store has it all. The ranch is also rich with many oil reservoirs. These reservoirs found hundreds of years ago still produce to this day and bring in day.
If you have ever driven through the town of Guthrie, you may not have even realized it. The town itself has a school and a court house, but other than that not much. Guthrie, population 203 in 2007, has the 6666 ranch to thank for its existence. After the great depression, the town nearly dried up, however due to the success of the ranch it still has a spot on the map. The majority of the houses in Guthrie are owned by