“UML is defined using a meta-modeling approach. Meta-model is use to analyse, construct and develop the frames, rules, constraints, models and theories. While, a model is defined through the instantiation of model elements defined in a meta-model, the main purpose of a meta-model is to explain and define the relationships among the different components of the applied model itself using processing language. This meta-modeling approach can be applied in another models or system depending on specifications” (Guardia, Vêncio & de Farias, 2012). The UML is an object oriented language based on sematic underpinning which support notation, it generally, used to model complex systems.
The UML exist at higher conceptualization level, however, it is not a programming language. UML has the ability to automate and translate programming languages such as Java, and C++. The latest version …show more content…
The Event- driven Process Chains (EPC) modeling techniques is one the frequently used because it follow basic contract that can be used to represent fuction and the actvities of the organisation ( Devillers, 2011). The basic structure of EPC’s is clearly define and presented by Aalst (1999), which s consisting of functions which are basically, activities which needs to be executed; events are represented by hexagon applied to represent conditions before/after a function and connectors join or split the process flow between the elements and represent the process flow. To emphasise the point EPC’s consists of the following elements events, functions, control flow connected by arcs. Events represent circumstances or conditions of a function, while functions describe changes in process from a starting point to end result and connectors are represented by AND, OR or XOR (la Rosa, Dumas, ter Hofstede, Mendling & Gottschalk,