Week 1
Goal for the semester is not to get overwhelmed by trying to reach all your goals at once but to practice the 7 Habits by taking small, easy, and manageable steps that help you use the 7 Habits and integrate them into your life.
Each week we will practice and reflect on “baby steps” that will guide us to using the 7 Habits. This week’s reflection: This week’s reflections is taking “baby steps” will help me achieve my goals in time.
If I could change something about my last semester’s academics it would be: If I could change something about my last semester’s academics it would be all the procrastination I did.
The one change in myself I will make this week to enable that change is: The one change in myself I will make this week to enable that change is to lower my computer/phone usage.
The 3 baby steps I will take to support that change are:
1. Read my textbooks, instead of my Twitter/Facebook timeline.
2. Research upcoming projects in the library.
3. Research potential colleges/universities.
Week 2
Ask students if they have been in relationships where friends or family members fail to keep their commitments. They say you’ll hang out and then they don’t call or they promise to take you places or buy you things but then that never happens. After a while you no longer trust them. Same thing happens when you make and break commitment to yourself.
“When I get to RCHS I’m going to make all A’s.”
“I’m going to complete my homework the same day it assigned.”
“I really need to help out more around the house.”
You are the most important person in your life. You are also the ONLY one you have control over. Keeping big promises to yourself is easier if you make smaller ones that lead to the bigger goal.
Reflect on the following: Promises don’t have to be hard to keep. I believe it depends on how much a person values what they’re promising.
The promise I keep making to myself that I cannot keep is: