The importance of this first step cannot be overstated. What it demands is that you articulate as specifically as possible the target you are aiming form, your final destination. By not setting a goal that is clear and specific, a student coming into the university or registering for a class or joining any social, religious or political network has put the cart before the horse and God knows where that will lead. Steve Covey (1999) uses the analogy of how one follows a blueprint when building a house. In Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey further relates that a good way to achieve success in any endeavor is “to begin with the end in mind.”A pilot who takes off from Enugu Airport has the flight’s end in mind; the taxi driver who…
Before elaborating the habits, the writer started on “Get in The Habit”, which helped the readers in reading the chapters accordingly. Habits 1, 2, and 3 are the “private victory”, whereas habits 4, 5, and 6 are called the “public victory.” Lastly, habit 7 is the habit of renewal. The three habits that inspired me the most are Habit 1: Think Proactive, Habit 4: Think Win-Win, and Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. These habits have changed my values and way of thinking either when I’m in a predicament or just a…
Practicing these seven habits will move the reader through three stages of personal growth: dependence, independence, and interdependence. We are all born into the dependence paradigm. As babies and children, we must rely on others to take care of us. As we get older, we naturally undergo a paradigm shift to independence in which we begin to take care of ourselves and no longer rely on anyone to take care of us. Interdependence, the last and final stage, is yet another paradigm shift in which we work closely, and cooperate, with others to achieve the things that could not be achieved on our own. Covey states that by simply changing our behaviors we will be more successful in achieving interdependence.…
Here I'll talk about the 7 habits and explain its meaning. The 7 Habits first published in 1989, is a business and self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey which is work sessions are based on the content from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which is considered one of the most impactful books ever written on personal effectiveness, leadership development and change. What differentiates The 7 Habits from other leadership offerings is its unique, proprietary content, which has global appeal, and is an inside-out approach to leadership development. The principles taught in the work session are universal, timeless, and cross-cultural and have been widely accepted, as such. The entire premise of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is that most people deal with the problems in their life in a scattershot fashion, and this scattershot fashion leads to disillusionment and disorder.…
Goals can be personal or professional, long-term or short-term, but they help us track our course and stay on target for our future endeavors. Securing the image you see for your future requires straightforward ideas, dedication, and a passion to carry you through to the end. A goal is an end to which you direct your efforts. (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2011, “Glossary”). The objectives desired by each individual acts as a compass, guiding each of us to ultimately build upon our blue print for life.…
Collins, J. C. & Porras, J. I. (1996, September/October). Building your company’s vision. Harvard Business Review, 74(5), 65-78.…
Creating a compelling vision and developing the strategies to achieve it is one of the organization 's most difficult challenges. The vision is more than a dream; it must convey a larger sense of organizational purpose, so that employees are able to picture themselves "building the dream company" rather than "laying the stones." It is an ambitious view of the future that everyone in the organization can believe in, one that can be realistically achieved, yet offers a future that is better in important ways than what now exists. (Business…
Vision & Mission Statement When creating the vision for the company Dunn has asked himself this question: “Where do we aim to be?” (Diffen, 2013). One simple question that can make all the difference from his mission statement. One that describes what you want to become and lists future goals and objectives.…
The vision “invites entrance” into the future through the committed efforts of leaders and constituents. A vision is congruent with the organizational mission; working toward accomplishing a vision is taking a step closer to the mission. The vision provides leaders and constituents with a purpose to work toward: a preferred future. The vision becomes a tool to incorporate the moral and social responsibility of the leader, constituents, and the organization. The moral ends that people commit to achieving become a valued and meaningful purpose for work. The personal commitment and ownership in the organization’s vision transforms the experience of work from a job to a…
Vision statements are future-based and are meant to give inspiration and direction to the employees of…
I watched 8 secrets of success by Richard St. John. The speaker was talking about the ways we can succeed in life. The first quote is from Freeman Thomas, says “I’m driven by my passion. Passion is something that we need to have when committing to anything that will help you to succeed. The second quote is David Gallo, says “Push yourself.…
From this habit it says that as human beings we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. Part of our self-awareness is understanding our Circle of Concern, our range of concern which we have no mental or emotional involvement. A Circle of Influence is inside the Circle of Concern reflecting the things over which we have control. Self determination, choice, and the power is response to stimulus, conditions and circumstances. Proactive people focus efforts in the Circle of Influence to work on the things they can do something about. The you have the reactive people who focus on the Circle of Concern, the weakness of people, the problems in the environment and things they have no control over. I really like what is said in the book 'We are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of those actions'. I think it is very true no matter what or how you think. Working on yourself first instead of other conditions you can better influence the outcome.…
Provoking inspiration: The vision statement must be very vivid, in terms of language and content that it is inspiring both to the organization and the customers. It must be able to promote enthusiasm and inspiration in the people’s minds…
Stephen R. Covey book is titled “The 7 habits of highly effective people” helps to develop individuals’ personality in relation with others. The author takes us on the journey thru becoming proactive. Than we learn to realize where are we going with our life. The next step is to set priorities in our life. What things are important and what things can wait. We also learn how to achieve compromise that is satisfactory to all parties involved in daily activities. The author teaches us how to practice empathetic communications and the importance of the team work. Once all of that is achieved we are reminded to renew ourselves thru elements of nature.…
All great leaders should have a vision statement. Creating a vision statement means setting goals of where you want your organization to be in the future. This helps to keep your people focused and motivated. You can think of your vision as the big picture. Keep in mind that you need to use the Christian examples of leadership styles as shown to us by Jesus in the following text. Let’s take a look at Jesus’ vision statement for His…