Assignment #3: Critical review
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a book that demonstrates how our actions represent our ideas. For example, if we aren’t happy we will make sure others aren’t neither, we sometimes forget our values or the reason we do things. Stephen Convey teaches us the 7 habits we should learn and use on our daily life. He builds each habit by chapter and how one habit supports the other. Throughout the book I thought that it was just meant to inform me about things he had learned. However, through his experiences and ideas I was able to reflect and understand his perspective since sometimes it was similar to mine. Although I didn’t agree all the time with what he said I would recommend others to read it so they can understand how their actions have meanings at times. He wants people to understand why the do things and to focus and stay on track to reach our goals, we need to have the will …show more content…
He is very informed in his statements and evidence to each of his statements. he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Utah, an MBA from Harvard university and Doctor of Religious Education from Brigham Young University. He was awarded ten honorary doctorates. Stephen expected for the readers to have prior knowledge, since most of these habits are very common. For example, become productive, set goals, have values, work in teams, communication skills become independent and continue to improve daily. His assumptions on people begin able to reflect on each habit was correct people don’t acknowledge how these habits play a role in their everyday life and unless they