Q1: What is the purpose of reviewing the literature in relation to influencing the approach to an MBA project and its reporting?
Literature is the collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also, the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to a particular science or branch of knowledge, or of a given country or period. (Anon n.d.)
The litarature is about the knowledge of certain perspective (industry) or organisation you focus on no matter you are working in it. Especially in a project of MBA programe, which might be out of your working environment, the academic knowledge is essential.
MBS RSM Study Guide (n.d.) argues that literature should be viewed to support to complete a good quality project in two ways: firstly, although the project is not academic job, literatue can provide learning for the substantive elements of the project. Secondly, the literature can demonstrate how to make sure the study is methodologically acceptable and conforms to the conventions of a research project.
Literature is not the stuff to giving firm answer but helping how to find the right clue out of the questions and how to establish the framework to the questins.
Hofstee (2006) denonstrate that a good literature review serves several purposes:
Credentials are established based on good organising, objective discussing after deep, broard reading and investigation. Most important is the reader must believe the topic is well investigated and there is no much points to be doubted.
Theory base
The ideas/thoughts you developed must be based on a theory base what is the acdamic terms of the aspects of the project. Only based on theory base, you would know what they are and why they work and you can explain why your thoughts would be likely to work. Even likely there will be conflicting theories, you