Most everyone that grows up in America gets put through the public education system and is also taught things by their parents and family. They learn to walk, talk, and recite the alphabet. Later, they move on to mathematics, chemistry, gym class, and doing their own laundry. Many of the rudimentary skills of surviving as an adult are covered, and there is hopefully even career preparation that leads to a rewarding and profitable living.
However, there's more to life than that. Most folks, at some age, come to the realization that while there's always random chance, the biggest thing that determines someone's future is the choices they made. So many fall into the trap of get a job, …show more content…
1) Know what you want to change: There's two primary ways of determining what your desires are. In the first case, you can just look at your own life and see what you don't like about it or what you wish could be better. This is a natural wellspring for ideas for desires.
2) Know what you want to add: In other cases, there might not be anything in your life stimulating particular desires, but you have them anyway. Maybe you want to learn an instrument for the first time, pick up a new language, travel somewhere, or learn how to fly an airplane. The desires that are completely new are just as valid as the ones that are inspired by your current life, and you need a combination of both.
3) Write down lists: It's a basic tactic, but it's effective. Just get a pen or pencil and a notepad and start writing things down. You might come up with a to-do list that you can start off by knocking out the smallest and easiest parts. On the other hand, you might also notice patterns and trends, like lots of places you'd like to visit. That might mean restructuring your life to revolve around weekend trips every …show more content…
5) Start small, and build: For desires that are truly massive, break them down into smaller incremental goals and objectives that can build off each other. Marathoners never run 26 miles their first day of training. In fact, many never run that many during their training at all.
6) Make two lists: On any given morning, write down two lists. The first list is the things you'll do today, and the other is the list of things you hope the universe takes care of for you. Call it luck or prayer, it's powerful.
7) Take days off: It's easy to throw yourself into pursuing your desires, especially if you're not particularly happy in life as it is. Still, don't burn yourself out. A day or two off a week is a good way to catch your breath, remember why you're doing things, take stock of what you've gotten done, and gather inspiration for your next