LoW IntensIty
8 Week Program
© HeaLtHmedIa, Inc. 2008 - 2010 aLL rIgHts reserved.
Walking 8 Week Program
Safety information for you to consider prior to beginning your program:
Overuse injuries can occur from a variety of reasons; such as, • doing too much, too soon • using improper technique or equipment • progressing your exercise program too quickly • an imbalanced exercise program, e.g., too much resistance training or too little flexibility training. Your bones and soft tissues (muscles, ligaments and tendons) require time to adjust and become aware of the tension and stretching that you will be performing. Progress slowly; take your time and practice proper technique. Additionally, wear loose, comfortable clothing along with appropriate supportive footwear. Another important component of beginning any exercise program is rest! Your body requires two types of rest, general and joint specific (Minor and Westby 2001) • General rest consists of a good nights sleep, which may be anywhere from 6 hours to 9 hours. The key is to feel rested when you get up in the morning. • As you progress through your program, note that the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends resistance training be performed on two or more non-consecutive days each week. Your “day off” of resistance work will allow your joints and supporting soft tissues to rest and recover. KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS! Always practice flexibility training after your warm up, move slowly and gently, likewise perform your stretches or cool down after your workout. Hold your stretches for a minimum of 10 seconds per stretch.
Walking 8 Week Program
Week 1
1. WaLk at a normaL Pace for 3 mIn
Wednesday Thursday
1. WaLk at a normaL Pace for 3 mIn
1. WaLk at a normaL Pace for 3 mIn
2. WaLk at
a moderate Pace for 5 mIn. - 1 mInute break
2. WaLk at
a moderate Pace for 5 mIn. - 1 mInute