Professor Selby
Introduction to Academic Writing
20 February 2014
Rock of the 80’s I’m in love with music. Everything about music is an attraction in my eyes or from my point of view. The emotional effect it has on the human mind is astonishing. For me personally, music has been the backbone to my very existence. The rhythms, harmonies, and melodies create such an authentic sound. Of all the music I’ve ever heard, there was one genre that caught my attention. The music was Rock N’ Roll. And not just any old Rock N’ Roll, but rock from the 80’s. On January 21st 1997, Mrs. Ashe’s fourth grade class went on a field trip to the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. I was amongst those students that very day. I then attended all of the various exhibits and different sections they had for each genre of rock n’ roll, which led me to an exhibit named, “Pantera”. I decided to pick up the headphones and tune in to a guitar solo lead by guitarist of Pantera, “Dimebag” Darrell. The sounds of his guitar were something I have never heard before. I was immediately captivated by his guitar solo, thus starting my journey into the “realm of rock”.
I grew up on the East side of Cleveland which was a predominantly African American side of town. I ran into a culture that was entrenched in the sounds of hip hop and rhythm and blues. Shortly after joining this different culture, I quickly realized that my favorite genre of music was not accepted. I remember being shunned by the rest of my peers for playing my favorite music out loud. They berated me with racial slurs and showered me with derogatory comments. All because I did not succumb to the fact that my appreciation for music lies with 80’s rock n’ roll, instead of the music, people my age were accustomed to. Many of my so called friends, pondered on why I grew fond of that genre of music. It all started with a field trip.
Music from the 80’s decade was my gateway away from society when I was