INTI COLLEGE as a requirement for
Diploma in Microelectronic Engineering
September Session, 2010
School of Engineering and Technology
Final Year Project Report
8051-Based MP3 Player
This final year project makes a dot for the end of my journey in obtaining my valuable certificate of Diploma in Microelectronic Engineering (DMI). It has been a long and arduous journey; however, this challenging journey was made easier with the help and sharing of knowledge among lecturers, course mates, and seniors. Besides, support from family and friends are also helpful in implementing this project. With my expression of the heartiest gratitude, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the guidance and assistance received from several individuals during the project implementation period. I am greatly indebted to my project supervisor, Mr Chan Tse Wei, for the guidance and advices he gave throughout the whole project. His priceless experience and idea sharing have been the most useful and helpful in contributing the success of the project. I am grateful to Mr Chai Yoon Yik, a highly-experienced senior lecturer of Engineering school and also the head of final year project supervisors, for his selflessness of knowledge and skills he shared, and the confidence and support he gave to implement this project. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the coordinators of Project Lab, Mr Lim Leong Chye and Mr Shukri, for providing me the basic equipment, technical assistance on PCB fabrication and patience throughout the entire project period. I owe a debt of gratitude to my fellow course mates and seniors, including Hum Ik Khen, Peh Kean Hock, Lim He Lium, Quah Chun Hao, Feng Ying Xing, Tan Hooi Jing, Yamuna Nair, Catherine Yen Lean Shing, Angelene Koid Sook Lee, Foo Yonn Weih, Loh Guo Hui David, Bernard Gooi Heng Hooi, Tan Seow Jie,