of .82, which signifies a student’s Eighth Grade Science Score could possibly increase 82 points, depending on the Fifth Grade Science Test scores. The simple regression test predicts Eighth Grade scores significantly well, based on Fifth Grade Science Test scores. However, the significant result is not cause to assume all students who score high on the MST2 for Fifth Grade will make high scores on the MST2 for Eighth Grade. For example, Student 3 scored 163 on the MST2 in Fifth Grade but scored 153, 10 points lower, on the MST2 for Eighth Grade. Also, Student 28 scored 144 on the MST2 for Fifth Grade and scored 155, 10 points higher, on the MST2 for Eighth Grade. The results of the correlation and regression suggest Fifth Grade Science Test Scores significantly impact Eighth Grade Science Test scores.
In order to maximize such a significant predictor, collaboration between Fifth and Eighth Grade Science Teachers should take place. Byhalia Elementary School (BES) and Byhalia Middle School Science (BMS) should work together to develop a curriculum plan, which ensures mastery of Science skills throughout Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grades. Team planning amongst BES and BMS Science teachers would help ensure effective and consistent instruction in all Science