That same individual stated that one of his brother said "guys we might not make it past today" and they all shook hands and out of all those heroes in his crew he was the only one alive the rest passed away. A construction manager that new the building decided to stay inside the building to try to help people out of the building because he new the building very well. Some employees were to scared to look for a way out they decided to stay put. Frustration, fear, anxiety took over people and began to jump from the top floors of the …show more content…
9:03am a second plane hits the second tower, United Airline flight 175 flight to Los Angeles. An employee that was on the phone in his office noticed the second plane coming towards him, he was in shock and he decide to take cover under his desk, after the plane struck the building he heard his phone ringing and all he could think was this is a dram there is no way I could be alive. Offices where destroyed in matter of seconds, other employees trying to get out but to scared to move forward decide to go up instead of down and the fate wasn't as good as some of those who decide to take on the fire and smoke. There is 200 flights of stairs and it takes up too 50 minutes to get out of the building by foot. Fire Crews got the order to go up and help search the building, the order was go up ten flights and rest and repeat until they reached where they needed to