in one of the many lines that are coming our way!
We then get to the Screeners, which can detect anything! Except what the machine is missing are the employees that will be looking at it! Now to the fun part, this is when we get “felt up” by the security guards, and if were lucky enough we can even get strip searched. We dress and undress more times at an airport, then a stripper at a burlesque theater. Now on to the emptying of our pockets and the journey of our personal belongings on their way through a “cat-scan” looking machine! Then we walk through another machine that has a mind of it’s own which approves or disapproves of us. I feel so bad for the passenger that has to walk through about five times to see if there carrying anything illegal on board! In the end the employees find out that the “BEEP” noise that was coming from the machine for the last five minutes was because of the metal plate in the passengers knee, who would of thought? That is also where you get the twenty-one questioner, “ Are you carrying any guns, knives, or any type of explosive?”, “ Do you plan to blow up the plane?”, and “ Was hijacking a plane written down in your planner?” All this security is so we
don’t get blown up in the sky, or just happen to get diverted to Cuba. After spending four to five hours in the lousy, packed airport, we better get to the destination that we planed on going to! Besides how unnecessary most of the security check points seem in the end, you must feel a little safe and satisfied. We hope!