Most sickening is the relish other Americans are taking in their new roles as fascist storm troopers. In a famous study conducted at Yale in the sixties by professor Stanley Milgram, members of the public willingly administered what they thought were fatal electric shocks to another human being simply because they were told to do so by an authority(Coulter …show more content…
He has vowed to root out on terrorists and all who harbor them. The liberal media would have you believe that Americans don't want this war however, Ann Coulter and I feel differently as she states in one of her articles: "Just five days into the war in Iraq, the New York Times was optimistically reporting that despite a strong start, American troops had gotten bogged down. This came as a surprise to regular readers of the Times who remembered that the Times thought we were bogged down from the moment the war began. The day after the first bombs were dropped on Baghdad, the New York Times ran a front-page article describing the mood of the nation thus: Some faced it with tears, other with contempt, none with