I broke my project into 4 different categories
1) Symbolic meaning behind the Twin Towers: Why were the Twin Towers specifically targeted? What did the World Trade Center symbolize to Islamic extremists?
2) Security response: What Infrastructures were immediately put in place after the attack? I will be looking at the physical increase in security, funding by the government and zoning to prevent terrorism
3) Rationalization: I will be examining the rationalization behind security responses. This is where I will be concentrating on social infrastructures and the targeting of Arabs. I will be focusing on laws which allow the government to conduct …show more content…
Someone even ran an ad in The New York Times in May 1968, predicting that a commercial airliner was likely to fly into the towers. This narrative continued during the construction of the World Trade Center, however, it was assumed a plane would have to be lost in dense fog for such an event to occur; a terrorist attack was never envisioned.
The World Trade Center was completed in April 1973.
The Twin Towers contained offices of some of the leading financial companies in the U.S., as well as international financial offices. Al-Qaeda’s goal was to incur irreparable damage to the U.S. economy by destroying the Towers, which symbolized business, freedom, power and finance. According to the 9/11 memorial the Trade Center symbolized globalization and America’s economic power and prosperity.
Photo 2: Since 9/11, New York State has received more than $6 billion in anti-terrorism money from Washington. “These funds have been allocated for critical infrastructure protection, counter-terrorism and law enforcement, cyber security, health emergency preparedness and other emergency