Once the tragic event was over firefighters were looked at as loyalist for serving the community in the way they did. The generosity of these brave men were praised by the efforts of each willing to sacrifice their life to save another. As thousands were trying to leave, many firefighters were risking their lives to save others. Following this patriotic act, the fire service changed in many different ways. These changes include the building safety codes, which changed the standards of building codes and also showed the vulnerabilities of the buildings. Before 9/11 Building codes in the U.S focused on structural support and strength with conventional fire safety. Then …show more content…
Training is growing more and more vigorous. This is based on any current and future job requirements needed. The type of training can include everything from a basic level introductory classroom session to a prestigious level of training that can prepare you to learn new concepts and skills needed for this line of work. Training will always be continuing and will always be maintaining the decaying skills that many firemen may lose throught the declining section of their career. This can be avoided by introducing and reinforcing new skills and