In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley explores many types of views. Conditioning being the process of influencing the behavior on others. While the roles in the social classes all consisted of their own and loss of freedom, the people were conditioned to be happy with the position. The way we can be influenced to think alike and to be conditioned to think a certain way, is with social media. Once you open up any webpage you join the world of alike thinkers. Persuading you to believe that what is on that screen is the most important thing to have in the day of today. Just as the director of the hatchery and conditioning, conditioned the different social classes to diverse conditions. Since Aldous Huxley is somewhat accurate in predicting the future, This might summon some voices of conspiracy. They might say that this government is only a …show more content…
According to the University of Delaware (udel) these classes are arranged in your wealth, power and authority. Alike to the castes in Brave New World all arranged in the authority and intelligence of the human. Each are used to create some sense of organized, perfect society, at least perfect in the sense to the government; control, peace, and a false sense of freedom. However, when the book was published these were the new topics of that era. In the early 1900’s around the time this book was published is when this system of classes first starting developing and when Henry Ford started doubling the pay of his employees. “Enabled them to buy cars and improved work ethic,” said Leah Silver. Along with many innovations in America’s weapons and technology, “America stood in the summit of the world.” said Minister Winston Churchill (history). Allowing me to believe that possibly Aldous Huxley was just documenting the world around him in a sinister, imaginative way, instead of truly predicting the