Her being a dedicated reporter has brought her to places that she had never thought she would be able to visit such as US, Canada and other countries that she had only read in the books. Sol was married to Paulo Sampelo last December 15, 2005 and they were blessed with a daughter named Anica. She decided to try to represent the 3rd District of Laguna as a congresswoman. It was her father’s birthday celebration that she made that decision to join politics. She resigned as a broadcaster and tried on the field of public service. Sol Aragones is one of the best journalists in broadcasting media that had joined the political field. At the start of the 16th Congress, Sol Aragones was one of the lawmakers that arrived the earliest at the Batasang Pambansa. Being a public servant, Sol was able to come up with an eye mission which about 135 patients from Barangay San Lucas, around 800 patients from NAGCARLAN benefited from. Sol was joined by many in her mission to reach out to the …show more content…
This program will help the patients on their particular eye disease and how to handle it. Different eye diseases have different medicines, likewise they also differ in how it is taken care of. The effect of the program to the vision is that it will lessen other possible issues that has something to do with the eyesight. With a proper eye screening, patients will be oriented on the habits they should not do and should do. These habits will eventually lead them to a proper vision. Another is that this program will determine the needed instruments and medication in achieving the perfect vision; whether the patient need eyeglasses or not. A program like the Sol Aragones Eye Mission would be able to detect if there would be another illness behind the eye problem such as cataract, that is common on the elders who participated in Nagcarlan. A program like this can give early signs of different conditions and diseases and that it could serve as a warning to the patients. It will be a huge contribution for the people especially that vision is very important in the life of a person. Visual impairment is one of the problems the elderly. Vision changes occur as people get older. When a person reaches 60s and beyond, it is important to be aware of the warning signs of