The way the male subject is dressed for visual evidence that is linked backed to Magritte He looks like he seems to be embracing a woman that is wearing a red dress. The red dress …show more content…
The way both figures are positioned is expressive. The man is leading with shoulder in an angled towards the viewers. The women appear to leaning backwards (could be failing into the water) with her head tilting towards his and is in sync with his movement. But then you see an image
They are same difference within both painting. Primarily both painting always has three common factors one being the white veil covering the female and the males subject face creating a sense of suffocating and purity. Again, the male figure is always seen to be wearing a black suit with a white shirt that could be his father lastly the spacing between the male and female figures creating a V-shape symbolising a female womb again this is about his mother.
This is the reason why Magritte was original. The lovers are unable to physically meet in such an intimate way strikes people. Building a reaction from the spectator. Looking at The Lovers trying to kiss through the white veils, you see that the lips never meet as they are being suffocated by the fabric, which could be creating sense sexual