John Noble Wilford said, “and that surely will establish her reputation as an authority of the first rank in the study of animal behavior.” He wrote this in his paper 28 years ago. Someone commented on her over 25 years ago saying that she would be a great scientist in animal behavior. In 2013, James Gorman wrote, “That moment, at a conference on chimps nearly 27 years ago, led her to begin a campaign to protect chimps, and wild captive, and inspired numerous animal welfare activists who took up the cause.” He wrote about the past, 27 years ago, when Goodall was just starting her career. He already saw that Goodall was going to be working with and for the animals. This also shows that she inspired people to take up the cause. After many years, it is apparent that Goodall has worked towards her reputation journalist and other people have given her. Goodall hasn’t forgotten what has been said about her and not take action towards it, yet there is no evidence she read the articles and changed her behavior because of the articles. “Today, Jane’s work revolves around inspiring action on behalf of endangered species, particularly chimpanzees, and encouraging people to do their part to make the world a better place for people, animals, and the environment we all share.” (National Geographic) Goodall has shown many people that the world needs to be taken care of and that …show more content…
James Gorman also wrote, “Jane Goodall said she went to a meeting as a contented field scientist and came out as an activist.” Through the hardship of meetings and watching chimpanzees, Jane was growing into the indubitably remarkable woman that was well overdue in the world. Goodall took a stand for what she believed was right and she it wasn’t apprehensible what she had to do at first, but she learned what it was she needed to do.
Goodall’s new book, Seeds of Hope was accused for having passages without attribution. To her defense, Goodall said, “This was a long and well-researched book, and I am distressed to discover that some of the excellent and valuable sources were not properly cited, and I want to express my sincere apologies.” (Leslie