When encountering situations we must remember not to disqualify the situation, our entire departments reputation is at stake. We need to consider how and what we are doing looks to others, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Not only are we representing ourselves as individuals but we are also representing our entire department. The job as a fire prevention officer constantly requires the use of problem solving skills to execute an outcome, we need to try to be quick, effective, skilful, safe, caring and managed.
Providing the correct information is a must. With an understanding of the Ontario Fire Code and
Ontario Building Code and utilizing the expertise available, through the Ontario Fire Marshall’s
Office, teachers, fellow colleagues, and many experts in and around our profession, gives us the opportunity to use all of our resources to deliver correct, consistent information to our community. Basic organizational behaviour must become customer centered, there is no I in team we need to utilize all parts of our team, from management all the way to the customer, which is our community. We must continually improve our customer service performance, we need to recognize