Mrs. Crossway
English 10
7 November 2014
Helping a friend, family member, or even an animal can give you a very special feeling. To many people, pets, such as cats, dogs, birds, and hamsters, are considered a part of the family. Veterinarians are saviors of the animal kingdom. They help all types of animals on a day-to-day basis, treating things from a small scratch, or fleas, to a major surgery such as neutering or spaying. Being a veterinarian is a lucrative and rewarding career, and it also has a very good job outlook.
When looking for a job after college, high school, or BOCES, it is always a good idea to look at the job outlook of that career. The job outlook is the projected employment change of …show more content…
There are many ways in which a veterinarian can have a rewarding job. For example, when a vet performs a surgery, it is very upliting to know that you helped that animal. One surgery that can save an animal’s life is spaying, or neutering, in males. In females, this can prevent a life threatening occurrence, called pyometra, in which the uterus becomes enlarged with puss, forcing the rest of the animals’ internal organs to function in a very small space. This is, in most cases, fatal if left untreated, but can be corrected with a simple procedure, and a lot of rest. Another way being a vet can be rewarding is seeing the owners face when they realize that their pet is safe and healthy. For example, if a certain individual’s cat is having trouble breathing, it could mean anything from a simple cold, to advanced lung cancer. Therefore, you can imagine how worried the owner of the cat might be. Then, after a thorough looking over, the pet would most likely be returned to it’s owner with one of two type’s of news; the disease/cancer can be treated, or, it is a simple cold. An animal trainer differs from a veterinarian in that they simply help to give the animals qualities that will allow them a happier, more enjoyable life with their families. Granted, training animals can be a rewarding career as well, however, animal trainers do not have the ability to save lives, …show more content…
Lucrative can be defined as producing a great deal of profit. A successful veterinarian can make up to $40.61 per hour, which more than four and a half times what minimum wage is. This will also add up to an annual salary of $84,460. However, do not forget that this amount is also the average gross salary, meaning, this will not be the same amount that you receive by the end of the year. There will be deductions from it by things such as health insurance, taxes, and social security, leading to a lower, yet still profitable net income. On the contrary, animal trainers make only $9.60 per hour, very similar to minimum wage, which is just $8.75 per hour. This will make a lower salary of $19,970.. (U.S. Bureau of Labor