Why do stereotypes exist and more importantly why do we let them control our lives and comprehension? They hinder us from truly understanding others. At the same time, they protect us from the unknown, put us in little bubbles. We are powerless against stereotypes, they are stronger than us. This is illustrated in the movie by separating the class into two groups: brown-eyed students and blue-eyed students. We see that within a blink of an eye, the unique perspective of a person is altered due to imposed ideas and falsehoods. In this way, we become narrow-minded and prejudiced, qualities obtained from incomplete understanding of other cultures, traditions and beliefs. Many Afro-Americans …show more content…
The truth is that the color of your skin does not automatically make you a lesser person or even a threat to others, but for some people it is exactly that. Neither does the ethnicity you come from nor the religion you practice. We do not want to change our outlook and behavior, because it is easier that way. That is not completely true. You make your life way more difficult by closing yourself in this little bubble of views and stereotypes and reluctantly accept any novelties and changes that come your way. We need to start suppressing our prejudiced mind and start letting go of obsolete ideas and principles. One of the most important things of achieving mutual understanding is learning how to respect others and cherish their