When doing a Communication Based Assessment it is always importing to identifying “why” they are making certain choices. Without being able to answer six questions, “whom, what, when, where, why, and the how’s” then it will be hard to justify why you are doing a project. Without having a clear view and answering the 6 questions it will be hard to design a foolproof project and be able to have backers on the project.
After identifying “why” you can move into the next important step for planning and evaluating, selecting and designing a plan for the project. It is important in no matter what you are doing to have a plan. I have always been raised to have a …show more content…
plan/ timeline.
It keeps you on track and keeps you motivated. Even if it is just a tentative plan, it is better than no plan at all. I would even suggest making more that one plan. Be able to have options. If the stakeholders do not like the main plan, make sure you can give them a counter offer. I will show them that you are thing outside the box and that you are preparing for anything that can be thrown at you.
Lastly, I would say an important step for planning and evaluating a Communication Based Assessment would be getting the backing from your stakeholders and carrying out the projected plans. Like I mentioned earlier it is very important to get the backing of the stakeholders. If you have no money and other people, stakeholders, do not see the promise in the project then other people, customers, will probably not see the purpose either. Without the money or the backing the thought/ idea/ plan is useless. I know a lot of people with great
ideas that want to be innovators, but they do not have the money to manufacture and market themselves and they cannot get anyone to buy into the idea. You have to have the money to get things done. A lot of people say how useless money is and that it is “important to be happy” obviously do not live in the world have having to get have money to launch ideas. Money is a main staple in today’s society, without it you are going to have a much harder life than you would have had with it. You have to work harder and sell your ideas harder. So when it is time to go to your stakeholders to ask for an investment it is not something to be taken lightly. Once you finally have the stakeholder, if you make it that far, now is the time you finalize the plan and start making implementations. It is important to have your stakeholders opinions/ ideas implemented into your plans. If you are an expert in the field that you are implementing the project into than the stakeholder should be confident in your ability; however, it is their money that they are putting on the line so you have to be sensitive to their opinions. If you are going into a culture that you are unsure about or less sure about, it would be helpful to find either a partner or an stakeholder with a background in the culture that you are venturing into.