I will be focusing on how the structure, vocabulary and referencing are similar and different within multiple different essays. Seeing how one form compares with another and whether one form is better to write in than another.
The structure of an essay can determine what kind of essay it is going to become. With the academic and the personally essay, they have there own structures that can make them what they are supposed to be. Within any academic essay there is a certain structure that needs to be abided by not only from an academic point of view but also for it to be able to get the amount of information in it out in the best way possible. On the …show more content…
The personal essay by Salena Godden has very specific vocabulary based on the experiences she ends up talking about. Within “Shade” by Godden she starts talking about growing up mixed race and how that has affected her life. She starts talking about all the names she used to get called as she isn’t black but isn’t white and how has damaged her way of looking at herself and how that can damage other people in the same position as her. “Half cast. Half breed. Mulatto. […] That word is pure shade. […] it is derived from the meaning mule, the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey.” (2016, p181) This type of vocabulary within a personal essay can provoke extreme emotions within a reader and within the writer. This is why the personal and the academic essay are so different, one is very clinical in comparison to the other. Godden has used the right words to be able to prove her point and show pure emotion. This has given it the ability to be relatable to people like her while staying on topic, and using the correct terminology that relates to the thesis. The personal essay can have vocabulary that are important towards specific subjects to make them thought provoking and emotional. Whereas, the academic essay used vocabulary in a very clinical way using it to prove a point and enhance fact towards or against a thesis. Both have their own lexicon but manage to use it in very different and effective ways towards the style of