
A Comparison Of Darwin And Picasso: A Remedy For Fear

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A Comparison Of Darwin And Picasso: A Remedy For Fear
A Remedy for Fear?
Though Darwin and Picasso came from different professional backgrounds, they both challenged their own fields in fundamental ways by destructing the notion of a narrative in institutional settings.
Religion has always been an important social institution which profoundly affects people’s lives. Religious texts provide ultimate guidance on thinking and acting properly, while routine practices reinforce people’s reliance upon and trust in the texts. Though art may not impact people’s lives as overtly as religion does, the institution of art world regulates art works by setting rules for appropriate style such as coloring and lighting. Prior to the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, Europeans largely relied upon religious
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Galileo’s discovery of sunspots in 1612 challenged Aristotelian way of viewing the world as perfect. Galileo embodied a new way of thinking which entailed questioning traditionally accepted belief about the natural world. More than two hundred years later in 1859, Darwin published On the Origin of Species. The work also challenged people’s traditional views of the natural world, but it did so by indirectly destructing the narrative in the book of Genesis. According to Genesis, God created Adam and Eve, whom he placed in the garden of Eden. The perfect life was disrupted when Eve was deceived by the serpent. As God was outraged by the disobedience of Adam and Eve, he punished the former with arduous work and the latter painful labor. By telling the story of Adam and Eve, Genesis explains the purpose of everyday life. People have to undergo sufferings because they, as descendants of Adam and Eve, are born with sin. The …show more content…
He liberated his subject matter from serving a predetermined purpose and his audiences from interpreting the painting in a fixed way. What Picasso wanted to change was not the stiff way in which the art world presented the reality, but the mode of thinking in society that took everything for granted. By forcing people to interpret the painting on their own, Picasso wanted people to claim their own thoughts, value their thoughts, and think about the origin of their thoughts. As people took historical, religious and even mythological narratives for granted and used them as a source of knowledge, they lost the ability to think independently. The fact that people felt disconcerted when they could not instantly recognize the narrative in a painting showed that narratives made them feel safe. Interpreting it on one’s own could be

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