George might not be that big in size but his voice, character, and mental ability show that he has power. Though George might not have power over much mostly because everyone who has power over him is an authoritative figure. George has power over mostly Lennie and Candy. Several examples are at the pond when George demanded Lennie …show more content…
give the mouse over. Then at Crooks room when Lennie and Candy were blabbering on about their farm and animals and Lennie's rabbits. George is also the mastermind behind the plan to buy a farm and live of the land. George has a very strong mental and character state which give him power.
Lennie has Physical power over everybody, but his mental disabilities limit is mental understanding and power to none. Lennie's physical is demonstrated when Curley was punching Lennie and Lennie squeezed his hand so hard he broke it. In the book there were times when Lennie's mental disability gave people power over him. When Lennie came into Crook’s room Crooks taunted him about George not coming back but Crooks quickly realized how vulgar he was being. Curley’s wife had power over Lennie when she was having a conversation with him, but that quickly changed when Lennier snapped her neck, just like he did to the mice and puppy. Lennie’s physical strength gave him power but his physical power and mental disability are what fashioned his death.
Curley’s wife does not have much power, especially her being a woman in that time opportunities are limited and choices in life are never good. Curley’s wife is very lonely, she married Curley and by evidence living with him might be a hostile environment. She talked about other opportunities she had in life but someone always declined her right to work to that opportunity. Curley’s wife is also ignored and not welcomed among the ranch hands. They call her jailbait and whenever she tries to talk to one of them they send her off. Her loneliness is derived from people having power over her since she was a woman in that time. Curley’s wife did not have any power over anybody she did have her threats and connection to the boss, but with her being a woman in that time period all of the other characters had power over her.
One of the highest powers is respect.
Slim bath has an authoritative figure and is highly respected. Slims graceful figure and authoritative stature was emphasized from the moment John Steinbeck introduced him. His description of Slim quickly got some readers to picture and authoritative and sophisticated character. With Steinbeck's description it also shows how even Slims figure get people to think he is hardworking and graceful. Slim's power derived from his description. Tough Slim wasn’t in mentioned in the book that much description and detail indicate he is a man with power.
Each Character has power or have power over them in their significant way. Physical power, mental power, authoritative power, or respective power John Steinbeck included one or more of these into the characters of his book Of Mice and Men. These powers also determined their fate at the end of the book. The power that each character had made up each decision. From the rash to the smart decisions, if a character did not have the power to do so the book would be different. The book started and ended the way it did because each character had power or didn’t, and that reverberated throughout the whole