were used wisely, but you killed yourself using the third one. Or, let’s say
you get three wishes, and you died before you could use the third one.
Well, in the stories, “These Three Wishes”, and, “The Third Wish”, both of
these things happened. And as you can see, they have similarities and
One of the main differences between these two stories is how
both characters died. In “Those Three Wishes”, Melinda Alice killed herself
by wishing herself dead. According to the story she quotes, “I wish I were
dead.” (Gorog 124). In “The Third Wish”, Mr. Peters died from old age, and
didn’t get to use his third wish. “In the morning Mr. Peters was found …show more content…
For these reasons, the stories differ.
Another difference between these two stories is the personalities of
the two characters. Melinda Alice was a clever, but cruel girl who thought
of no one but herself. For example, in the story it quotes, “No, she was
clever, even witty.” (Aiken 122). But, Mr. Peters was a kind and loving man.
He even offered to use one of his wishes on his new wife, and turn her
back into the swan that she originally was. In the story, Mr. Peters quotes,
“Then shall I use my second wish to turn you back into a swan again?”
(Aiken 105).
There are also similarities between these stories. They have very
important morals to them. In “Those Three Wishes”, the moral is, “Be
careful what you wish for.” Melinda Alice saying, “I wish I were
dead.” (Aiken 124) maybe wasn’t the best thing to do. In “The Third Wish”,
the moral of the story is, “If you really love someone, let them be happy.”
Mr. Peters showed this by offering his wife one of his three wishes.
Getting wishes is not all what it’s cracked up to be. Yes, it’s fun