I would set the play in our current time period but have both Torvald and Nora dressed in the fashion of the late 1800s thus showing how stuck in the past their marriage is. Also, in act three when the couple goes to the party, Nora will be dressed as if she was attending a masquerade as a bird while constantly hanging off her husband’s arm. Torvald constantly refers to Nora as his “little lark” (3.244). This costume allows for the audience to visualize Nora as his pet, dehumanizing her to be something that looks pretty for him and does tricks but is not to be taken seriously. A Doll House is a wonderful play that can be used to showcase society, the struggles women go through and the strength they
I would set the play in our current time period but have both Torvald and Nora dressed in the fashion of the late 1800s thus showing how stuck in the past their marriage is. Also, in act three when the couple goes to the party, Nora will be dressed as if she was attending a masquerade as a bird while constantly hanging off her husband’s arm. Torvald constantly refers to Nora as his “little lark” (3.244). This costume allows for the audience to visualize Nora as his pet, dehumanizing her to be something that looks pretty for him and does tricks but is not to be taken seriously. A Doll House is a wonderful play that can be used to showcase society, the struggles women go through and the strength they