Kinsley’s opinion on this whole situation is to use the drones in a more astute and efficient way. He wants to avoid more unnecessary loss of life among innocent civilians and prevent further political affairs. “You kill the other guy because he's trying to kill you, and unless you’re raping …show more content…
women or slaying babies, you’re going to get a medal, not criticism. Collateral damage -- including the deaths of complete innocents -- comes with the territory,” says Kinsley. By using this quote, he means that it's irrelevant whether you kill civilians or not because the innocent deaths comes with the territory you attack. According to Kinsley now every place is the battlefield due to drone warfare. The drones are easily able to be sent wherever they are needed. Drones don't always kill the right people nor do they know the individuals around them. After Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by a drone during a car ride, it was later discovered that there was a passenger who may or may not have been innocent, but unidentified to the drone. Therefore, Kinsley has sided with the opinion that drones are a more negative tool in combat.
In the article “Drone Warfare: Top 3 reasons it could be dangerous for us,” by Anna Mulrine, it agrees with Michael Kinsley’s opinion on drone warfare. Mulrine States in her article that if the United States uses drones, then what is preventing other countries from using them as well. Her opinion is to extinguish the use of drones in all aspects. According to Mulrine 881 civilians, including 173 children, have been killed since the US covert drone program began. Mulrine provides many examples of innocent civilians and even US troops being killed by drones unintentionally. Also Mulrine points out that there is a lack of oversight with the control over the drones. There are few members of congress who provide oversight and without proper guidance the drones have potential to strike unwanted targets. Also with two nuclear - armed states the consequences for an unwanted attack could be atrocious.
In the article “Drone strikes save lives, American and other” by Avery Plaw disagrees with Michael Kinsley’s opinion on the use of drones.
Plaw states that one point in favor of drones is that they are weakening Al Qaeda, the taliban and affiliated groups. Also, they have a primary responsibility for protecting their own civilians. “Second, I doubt that ending drone strikes would substantially reduce anti-Americanism in the Islamic world or put a dent in radical recruitment.” However, that might be true, but they are still costing the lives of innocent civilians of those lives being women and children. Plaw says that to avoid these casualties drones can be sent out with a clearer justification of what it is going to do. He also explains that the drones are a lot less harmful to civilians then they are to Al Qaeda affiliates. The civilian casualties can be minimized therefore drones aren’t as dangerous as some
believe. Michael Kinsley was overall fair on his position on drone warfare. He provided credible and clear facts to support his claims. While providing statistics and data he also brought in other opinions from outside authors. This gave his column credibility rather than just an opinionated piece of writing. He was accurate in his claims and position on the topic. Also, Kinsley was fair by providing examples of every position on drone warfare. This shows that he was not one sided on the topic. His column had a more informational effect rather than ongoing opinionated claims.