The man Gempaku was watching being dissected was a criminal that was murdered for his crimes, a dissection was being done for physician practice. The main capital Tokyo, was referred to as ‘Edo’. Dutch books where almost impossible to come by suggesting that trade with Europe was kept to a minimum. Japan was also still in its class system, this is seen when Sugita Gempaku describes the man that is performing the dissection saying that he belongs to the class that deals with the dead. Also the Japanese people take great pride in their work, Gempaku mentions how ashamed and ignorant he felt after learnings all that he knew was wrong. Overall the Japanese people were slowly transitioning to a more modern outlook on culture.
Sugita Gempaku’s memoir allows us to see a picture of what Eastern cultures medicine and Japanese outlook really looked like. There is a clear line between understanding and simply naming a body part. The author saw his world as something that he needed to contribute to in order to be successful, the needing note leads you to believe that there is change in the