“I knew there was something more to you, child although I didn’t know what it was. See, my gut never lies. And, it told me you would be my helper.”
I smiled politely. Of course I would be her helper since I had nowhere …show more content…
They made their own candles, soaps, and most other basic items. None of this was easy and often done without the proper tools. Much of their dawn to dusk work was merely for day to day survival. The settlers did not know how to live in the rugged wilderness and had no experience in preparing for the harsh, bitter cold winters. They faced many hardships such as knowing little about how to hunt for game or how to plant crops on this new soil. As a result, many succumbed to malnutrition and diseases. This was where I came in: I was able to ease the pain of the illness although the hardship that pertained to me was solely placed on the new and unfamiliar plants I discovered. Here is where I first stumbled upon barberry a rich in color plant that I discovered also bore fruits. I decided to experiment on it as I was sure a plant like that would be able to heal. Actually – because of the word “bar” in its name – folks are more likely to lay BARBERRY across the path of one they hate, to bar their enemy’s progress. Lay out 3 BARBERRY branches, or 3 lines of the cut-and-sifted herb, one 3-feet long and the other two 1-foot long. Lay the first branch or line from the person’s house to the street. Place the two short branches or lines cross-wise to this, an equal distance from each other, to make a “double cross” shape. As you lay them down, say, “Now