the grandmother’s better judgment. The grandmother wishes to take a trip to Tennessee, because of a…
In A good man is hard to find, the grandmother had a complicated set of moral codes that did not compel with the natural moral codes that a catholic would be known to have. The catholic values are set to be the most reliable and trustworthy person one can be. Unfortunately the grandmother's intention…
The grandma seems like she is more superior to the others and is selfish. Throughout the book, she blames it on the children. For example, the grandmother wanted to go to Tennessee, but Bailey, the son, insisted that they go to Florida. "Just you read it. I wouldn't take my children in any direction with a criminal like that a loose…
The author, Flannery O’Connor, begins the story by telling us that the grandmother wants to go to Tennessee and not to Florida, as her son, Bailey, has planned to go with the family. She states that “she was seizing every chance to change Bailey’s mind.” (405). It’s obvious in this first paragraph that she is willing to manipulate her family to get her way. She tries to affect his conscience by reading to him from the newspaper about The Misfit, a killer “aloose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida” (405). She is so set on changing his mind that, when her first attempt gets no response, she tries to convince him that the children need to “see different parts of the world” (405). She is selfish and wants the family to believe that what she wants is best for them.…
I currently utilize a salt water pool system called an Aqua Rite System. If you're in the market for a pool, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose a type of system that is right for you. The salt water pool vs. chlorine pool battle has been raging over the last decade, and today, many home owners are building these systems right from the start or converting their old chlorine pools into a salt pool. But what is the real difference from a salt water pool vs. chlorine pool? Here is a quick run-down of the pool battle.…
She was an elderly woman living on the way she was brought up explaining to her grandchildren how she would act if she was their ages. “In my time,” said the grandmother, folding her thin veined fingers, “children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else. People did right then” (368). She enlightened her grandchildren on intriguing facts along the trip that were presumed true. The narrator states, “The grandmother said she would tell them a story if they would keep quiet. When she told a story, she rolled her eyes and waved her head and was very dramatic” (369). She then goes on to tell the grandchildren about a house with a secret panel where the family silver was located. She mistakenly thought the house was in Georgia, so her son drives the car down a long dirt road in the middle of nowhere to look for this house. The grandmothers’ cat jumps up out of the back seat and scares her son who then wrecks the car. The grandmother then remembers that the house was in Tennessee and not Georgia. The grandmother continues to lead her family into trouble by trying to make their vacation road trip as interesting as…
A focus on characters, especially the grandmother gives a theme of grace and self-discovery. Once faced with the misfit and possible death she changes from unreligious to religious trying to bid her survival. And in turn has an insight of herself and the misfit. The theme of self-discovery is shown with the grandmothers change. She isn’t as bad as she may seem, just like the misfit who she at first despises then later relates with.…
In the story A Good Man is Hard to Find, the grandmother plays a significant role. She is the typical grandmother of, “years gone by”. She gives critical advice to her son and his wife. She seems to know best when it comes to the children as well. She mentions in the story that children used to be respectful towards their parents, when the children make snarky comments about her having to go wherever they went. Aside from her feeling that the children are disrespectful, the no-name grandmother makes a jab at the parents, suggesting that the children need to be well rounded when it came to expanding their knowledge of the territory around them. She wanted them to visit a place other than Florida, because they had been there before. This was an excuse for her to get out of going to Florida just because she didn’t want to vacation there. She also used the excuse of the Misfit being on the loose to get out of going to Florida. She tried to…
“I wouldn't take my children in any direction with a criminal like that loose in it. I couldn't answer to my conscience if I did " (O’Connor). The grandmother had this sense of urgency to keep her family safe no matter what, but is this really the case? I think a small side of her is really trying to use this misfit to her advantage to go to Tennessee and not go to Florida. She heard of bad news in the area and did not feel right about having her loved ones go into the area where there was a criminal, so she plays it off as if she is a concerned loving grandmother. She takes advantage of this common idea that mothers are the prime caretakers and fathers do not pay as much attention to safety, as her son kept telling her to stop worrying. “Women were considered domestic caregivers, with sole responsibility for the home and child rearing” (Holt). So, it was just in her nature to care and want what is best for her and her…
The grandmother in the story is described as an idiosyncratic and demanding character. Those traits are the opposite of what people imagine a grandmother to be. A grandmother is someone who is caring, believes in family, and would do anything for her family. Bailey, the son of the grandmother, decides to take the family on a road trip to Florida bringing his wife, their three children, and of course the grandmother.The grandmother insists on not going due to the fact there is a person known as the Misfit, who is a criminal where she read in the paper he is headed to Florida. The grandmother tries to convince Bailey to reconsider the trip to Florida and to think of what is best for the…
The story starts off with what we can look back now as an “I told you so” moment: “The grandmother didn’t want to go to Florida, she wanted to visit some of her connections in east Tennessee and she was seizing at every chance to change Bailey’s mind” (134). If the family had by some miracle survived, the grandmother would have definitely taken the opportunity to bring up her original idea of bailing on the trip to Florida. That is just the type of person this grandma is. No one else’s way or idea can be good enough for her just on the slight chance that it won’t live up to expectation, and although they never actually made it to Florida, the family will never go on this exciting of a trip again.…
O’Connor paints her own picture of what the grandmother believes to be a “good man.” The grandmother seems to treat goodness mostly as a function of being decent, having good manners, and coming from a family of "the right people." At the beginning of the story the grandmother discusses a story of her past love explaining how he was the most upright gentleman she met, claiming he too was a “good man.” She stated “he was a very good- looking man and a gentleman and that he brought her watermelon every Sunday afternoon with his initials cut in it, E.A.T.” (O’Connor 98). The grandmother was unique in the way she described…
Anyone who has a survival based mindset will naturally have a selfish personality. The grandmother flaunts a self-loathing attitude throughout the entirety of the story. She announces her dissatisfaction with heading south to Florida instead of to Tennessee at the very beginning of the story and that conflict shows how she has a primal need to feel safe. The idea of visiting Florida seemed unsafe to her, especially since she read about the Misfit and in her mind Tennessee represents a safe environment. Another example of the grandmother’s selfishness is how she persists on going to the old plantation even though it is clearly irritating Bailey and would extend the time of the family’s arrival. The memory of the plantation grew inside the mind of the grandmother to the point where seeing it was necessary. Memories that are generally good make humans feel safe which coincides with survival and the grandmother was experiencing this while her mind was focused on the plantation. With her and the children continuously insisting on making the father take a detour to see the plantation, the grandmother shows how her selfish behavior caused a dispute with her son which ultimately stemmed from her desire to be in a safe mind…
The story opens as a family prepares to go on vacation in Florida. The story focuses immediately on the grandmother, who wants to visit relatives in east Tennessee and who uses the escape of the Misfit, a murderer, from prison to try to persuade her son, Bailey, to change his mind. He refuses. The two grandchildren, John Wesley and June Star, are quickly characterized as smart alecks who nevertheless understand their grandmother and her motives very well. When the family sets out, the grandmother is resigned to making the best of things. She is first to get into the car and has even, secretly, brought along her cat. As she rides along, her conversation is conventional, self-centered, and shallow.When the family stops for lunch at a barbeque stand, their conversation again turns to the Misfit, and the adults agree that people are simply not as nice as they used to be. Later, back in the car, the grandmother persuades Bailey to take a road which she imagines (wrongly, as it turns out) will lead by an old mansion. Suddenly the cat escapes its basket and jumps on Bailey’s neck, and the car runs into the ditch. As the family assesses its injuries, a man who is obviously the Misfit drives up with his armed henchmen. The grandmother immediately feels that she recognizes him as someone she has known all of her life, and she tells him that she knows who he is.…
The grandmother, who is unnamed in the story, is a very judgmental and selfish woman. She likes to consider herself as superior to the others and like a “lady.” Her moral sense is what guides her in life, like when she tells her son, Bailey, that her conscience does not let her take the children…