A Heartbreaking Genius Character Analysis
In A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers, the audience can see how insecure Dave is about having to take the role of a parent for his little brother, Toph. Throughout the book Dave is constantly thinking about how everyone thinks that Dave shouldn’t be taking care of Christopher or he is an unfit parent. Dave wants to give the very best to Toph but most of the time that isn’t possible. For example, when they were looking for houses people were rejecting them saying the two weren’t the best fit or didn’t think they could pay. One landlord who was sceptical was unsure about Dave’s lack of job and their age. Dave responded “We can pay. We have money. We could pay the year’s rent all at once if you want” (76., which made the
landlord feel better about it. As a whole, readers can see how hard it is to fit a parent’s role, and the pressure it brings to try and give the child you’re raising a good life.