The couple that was married is from two different parts of the world. The wife was from India and the man was from neighboring Pakistan. Generally they are both from the same country prior to the partition of …show more content…
The most prominent guest that was in attendance was an old friend of both families, he was the police commissioner. Commissioner Deep was mainly in attendance to keep both families from engaging in combat with each other. He may have been an invited guest but he was also serving in an official duty as crowd control. He started to speak to the bride’s mother who was at the wedding and came up with a great idea to perhaps put an end to this feud. The bride’s mom decided to move the whole reception to their home, it was a time to put an end to this …show more content…
The best logical thing to do would be to simply forgive and forget. This wedding was almost ruined and did not begin very joyous nor did it begin very happy. At the end with a little quick thinking from the commissioner the families were able to join each other. This event turned to be a very joyous occasion not just because the bride and groom joined together as one, but now so have their families join as one. The seemingly unhappy event was turned completely around by the most unlikely of