
A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 23 Analysis

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A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 23 Analysis
Locked away awaiting death for a crime he did not do, this is Jefferson. A Lesson Before Dying written by Ernest J. Gaines follows Grant Wiggins through the stages Jefferson goes through while awaiting his death. He was wrongly convicted for the murder of three men and persecuted to death. “Chapter 29” was Jefferson’s diary that Grant gave him. The function of “Chapter 29” was too show Jefferson’s progressions in thought process.
At the start of the diary, Jefferson doesn’t know what to write about. This is shown when he says ”Mr wigin you say rite somethin but i dont kno what to rite…”. Also he says blankly says ”...i dont kno what to put on paper…”. Lastly he states that ”...i aint never rote a leter in all my life…”. At the start of the diary he has no idea what to write about, I think it’s because he isn’t sure how to to portray his emotions on paper and
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He says ”mr wigin you say you like what i got here but you say you stil cant give me a a jus a b cause you say i aint gone deep in me yet…” pg.228 In this quote he’s comprehending that he must write deeper and that it his writing is being accepted by the people supporting him. He also writes to Grant, ” wigin thank you fir sayin im doin b+ work an you know the a aint that far” pg.229 This positive reinforcement gives Jefferson confidence. Lastly, he talks about Paul and his progression throughout time Jefferson has been in jail, ”paul trying to be hod when he aint like he dont want get too close to me no mo an all the time he is the only one rond yer kno how to talk like a youman to people i kno you paul an i kno ole clark an i kno you too shef guiry and you mr picho and mr mogan an all the rest of yall” pg.230. Jefferson realizes that he can openly write deeply in the diary and he won’t be judged. This is shown as he explains how Paul has changed throughout the time Jefferson has been in

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