Whilst studying A level psychology I’ve particularly become interested in the area of psychopathology specifically …show more content…
In A level psychology I have developed my argumentative skills when we studied social influence looking at the ethical concerns of Milgrams study into obedience and its multiple variations. However, whilst studying A level history I have improved my essay writing skills and ability to write a balanced and well-constructed argument. Overall I believe this has prepared me for a rigorous psychology degree and potential further …show more content…
Thus, this has widened my perception of disorders and has increased my desire to learn more on the topic of psychology. I have also completed a Master class in psychology with ambition Nottingham which looked at the possible biological causes of schizophrenia such as having certain physical characteristics can be possible clues to the illness before it has developed within the person to show/ have other symptoms, and the twin studies used to proves these findings. I found this extremely interesting as I enjoy looking at the application of both the biological approach and the influence it has and how it is applies to mental disorders such as