The main character, John Carmody, represents a round character that changes at the end of story by losing his daughter. He has bounded himself to supply just the financial needs of his family, without noticing that they have other significant needs. Sentiment, all that a girl at the age of Marge can understand. The child needs to have the attention of his parents at that critical period, but all were neglected and postponed to other times in future which may never come. If you ask them why? They would absulutly answer because of your
The main character, John Carmody, represents a round character that changes at the end of story by losing his daughter. He has bounded himself to supply just the financial needs of his family, without noticing that they have other significant needs. Sentiment, all that a girl at the age of Marge can understand. The child needs to have the attention of his parents at that critical period, but all were neglected and postponed to other times in future which may never come. If you ask them why? They would absulutly answer because of your