
A Like Tragedies In Literature

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Tragedy is a huge part not only in life but in literature. Tragedy in reality can be anything; death, natural disaster, suicide, and so on. Tragedy in literature is portrayed in a plays or religious ceremonies. Most of these tragedies are related to the disaster of heroes, legends, and religious myths. A tragedy in literature may have some similarities as tragedies in real life, but will need key aspects to be considered a tragedy. Tragedy is portrayed very differently in literature compared to reality because of differences in reactions and the people involved. Unlike tragedies in real life, tragedies in literature are not always deaths or some type of disaster. In literature, personal choices and fate are always involved in a tragedy. A …show more content…

For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet kills herself, which affects Romeo so greatly that he ends up committing suicide as well. The tragics hero’s personal decisions create problems for the people close to them. "What makes a tragedy so tragic is not that the noble individual falls into ruin, but that his fall causes so much suffering in others." (Charmezel Dudt. 1) Alot of times morals are used in tragedies to leave lessons to the people affected. Lessons are used so that people do not make the same mistake as the victim, so that a similar tragedy will not occur. “The most important part of this concept of tragedy as a positive, not pessimistic, drama which leaves wholesome effect, not mere disturbance, in the minds of the spectators.” (Ley, Graham 2) When the end result of a tragedy involves a moral or a lesson, the tragedy may affect people in a good …show more content…

In literature, if a tragedy occurs, usually another one will follow. For example,“Lead me away, I pray you; a rash, foolish man; who have slain thee, ah my son, unwittingly, and thee, too, my wife-unhappy that I am! I know not which way I should bend my gaze, or where I should seek support; for all is amiss with that which is in my hands,-and yonder, again, a crushing fate hath leapt upon my head.” (R.C. Jebb 1) In the play Antigone one suicide leads to two more suicides. The only way the characters in Antigone are able to change their destinies are through self-harm and suicide. The overflow of tragedies may bring the characters more pain and different kinds of emotions leading to more tragedies. A lot of times these tragedies may be used to reflect a moral or a lesson in literature. “Although sometimes a moral lesson can be found in a real tragedy ("I learned my lesson, I'll never do that again!), it is much more likely that the moral can be discovered in the text.” (Lambert 1) Tragedies in reality normally do not include morals in the end, but some may. For instance, if a man's window is broken by a hurricane and he steps on a glass and bleeds to death, the moral is that he was not prepared for the storm and should have took the precautions needed to be safe in the

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