Billy and Antoinette live in a calmly beautified, inflatable furniture, exceedingly cleaned floors, …show more content…
Allan King is investigating the potential outcomes of narrative film. He has pushed recorded humanism into the dim external compasses of psychodrama.
In video form, Billy and Antoinette are not exceptionally intriguing individuals and would a large portion of whatever is left of individuals be, if shot under comparable circumstances. They are the kind of mindful, upper center pay sorts who speak a considerable measure about relatiohships and contend for the most part about belonging, shoes, stereos, harpsichords, records, vacuum cleaners and the auto.
Following six years of marriage, the purpose of the considerable number of contentions truly is: Who is going to rule whom? "I'm totally confused," Billy says toward the end of the film. "It appears that everytime we get on some level of comprehension, the following moment we are kicking and