so many modern reformers toward economic utilitarianism. Through this style of writing, Swift is a shrewd economic intellectual, and often articulates his disdain for the usbmission of hypothetically scientific management ideas to civilized problems. For example, he states " a young healthy child well nursed at a year old is a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food." Overall he mocks the upper class by proposing a remedy of getting rid of poor citizens of Ireland. With using this method of satire, Swift proposes to sell poor children to meat markets at the age of one solving the problems of overpopulation and unemployment. Swift writes "I grant that this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children." Not only that, Swift also includes that the benefit of eating children issparing families the cost of chidlren bearing while providing them a little extra revenue and contributing to the economy of Ireland. The author uses the style of parodies. Jonathon Swift's has a compassion for the misery of the poor Irishmen and their families, and he analyzes their ineptitude in dealing with their own troubles.
Swift's proposed a remedy for solving the economic and social problems in Ireland. His solution to overpopulation, unemployment, and the starving families is so specific that it becomes a parody. He"reckoned upon a medium that a child just born will weigh twelve pounds, and in a solar year if tolerably nursed increaseth to twenty-eight pounds." Through his detailed solution and forumulas, his use of parodies are clearly shown. From each shilling to his ideas a children recipes, parody is used to show how that he means exactly the opposite idea of eating children to raise up the economy. He actually means to help the nation by improving the economic by starting out to help the poor. Through his servere mockery towards the upper class, his indiviual anguis at the failure of all this paper jounalism to achieve any actual progress is
shown. Jonathon Swift split his proposal in to different perspectives. Swift organized his edssay into a way wehre he is writin gthrough different roles. For example, in the essay, Swift wrote in a perspective such as: patriot, clergymen, and satirist in order to make it easier ont eh reader to finds what he or she is searching for. Swift gives a concise history of the quarrels between the Catholics and the Protestants in Dublin, Ireland. In the introduction, the reader can clearly see hi topic of his essay. He first few pargraphs, he writes as a patriot and stating his soultion as if it is not abusrd at all. In the middle he writes in a clergyman's perspective. Then he writes as a satirist and concludes with stating "utterly desparing of success, I fortuantely fell upon this proposal..." IN the essay, "The Modest Proposal," Jonthon Swift's blames the IRish's politiicians, upper class, and the domination of the Englihs with the responsible for the nation's inexcusable state through his use of satire, parodies, and organization. Swift expresses his point disapprovingly by writing appalling solutions. As the essay progresses through a series of grotesque surprises causes the reader to think about motivations and morals.