The girl conveys the story of, at age nine, when her mother was ill, and knowing they had little money, convinces her mother that she loved mustard and relish sandwiches, realizing that was the cheapest way to eat. For a year she ate like this until her mother was better. She told everyone at the campaign headquarters that she wanted to help other children in this country who want and need to help their parents too. (55) She proceeded to ask everyone present why they were there. The last person to speak was the black man who said, “I am here because of Ashley.” (57) This is an example of the kind of unity that Obama yearns to see in America. It is without doubt that America would benefit in unification, from working together to form a more perfect
The girl conveys the story of, at age nine, when her mother was ill, and knowing they had little money, convinces her mother that she loved mustard and relish sandwiches, realizing that was the cheapest way to eat. For a year she ate like this until her mother was better. She told everyone at the campaign headquarters that she wanted to help other children in this country who want and need to help their parents too. (55) She proceeded to ask everyone present why they were there. The last person to speak was the black man who said, “I am here because of Ashley.” (57) This is an example of the kind of unity that Obama yearns to see in America. It is without doubt that America would benefit in unification, from working together to form a more perfect