“Queenie, Plaid,and Big Tall Goony-Goony” (Updike), were all dressed very inappropriately. Plaid was wearing a two piece bathing suit; she was also a very chunky, which wasn't a marvelous eyesite. Big Tall Goony-Goony, she was monstrous. Queenie was the best of them all, she was perfect in Sammy’s eyes. Although Sammy thought they looked well, in my eyes they honestly didn’t. “In walks three girls in nothing but their bathing suits.” Swimwear shouldn't be worn anywhere other than on a beach or on private property. Although that is just my opinion, the girls decided to carry on, and wear the beach wear into public stores in the story “A+P.” …show more content…
The three girls went into a public stores dressed half naked! “The suit had slipped a little” (Updike). Not only do they have the swimsuits on, but they actually have the nerve to show even more than needed. The text states that Queenie “ lifts a folded dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled pink top.” Public stores and facilities are for suitable display. For this reason, people in the stores and in town may think poorly of the