
A Paragraph About The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was a brutal time period. The Nazis were the meanest people around; they had no respect for another human being. They had no desire to help another person. They thought of the Jews as dogs, little dogs that smell and don’t need the live. Hitler had brain washed the Nazis that the Jews were the reason for all the bad things that happen to them. They had horrific methods for killing the Jews. For example gas chambers, crematories, and poisoned showers were some of the few ways they murdered them.

Gas chambers were first adopted in the U.S. state of Nevada in 1912. The gas chamber was a poison (gas) that when inhaled by a person killed them. So the Nazis used it to kill the Jews. It was an efficient because it could kill
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They used it as a trick; the Nazis would tell the women that they were going to take a nice, hot shower. However not knowing what they were getting in to, they would walk right in. Instead of the Nazis having to force them. It was another easy way to kill the Jews. (

Crematoria’s was another terrible way the Nazis killed the Jews. It was basically a huge oven, after the Jews were dead the Nazis really didn’t have anywhere to put the bodies (they did dig big holes and dump them) so they would put the bodies in the ovens and turn them to ashes. Therefore instead of dealing with a body, they had ashes.(

The Nazis often carried a light machine gun which was a gun that shot rapidly. They were made to put many rounds into one object. It had a clip that held about 30 bullets in it. They also carried a pistol on their side for reinforcements, if they ran out of ammo they would pull out the pistol. This pistol was called a Luger, it was first made in the 1900s. The Nazis would often just shoot the Jews on the spot and leave them there. For example, if they were moving a group of prisoners or Jews, to another concentration camp and one of them tried to run or they were starting a riot. They would kill them their plan would go through or so they wouldn’t get

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