Their views on sexuality education for elementary children were very apathetic and largely opposing, whereas, when asked about sexuality education in middle school and high school, they were more neutral and favorable to the idea. The audience has yet to be able to envision the significance of why sexuality education is so important in society today. To persuade the audience we will inform them about the prevalence of teen pregnancy and STIs, and how they can be prevented by simply giving youth and adults the proper education they need to make responsible decisions. The audience is so against sexuality education for elementary, we presume, because they are focused on the idea of it causing those young children to consider having intercourse. We believe that the audience is targeting an idea, and distorting it. Through audience analysis, we determined that the audience themselves have not undergone comprehensive sexuality education, or experienced any actual sexuality education. Their inexperience in this field is likely clouding their judgement, as they may not have investigated the subject further. We will acquaint them with the information that comprehensive sexuality education focuses on age appropriate material. Our delivery choices include fear and positive appeals, and a great use of ethos, logos and pathos. Statistical data inflicts a fear appeal, and assists in the extension of logos. To achieve pathos, we will bring up the audience’s possible children or younger siblings, and even a couple of accounts of people who had to deal with the consequences of not being sexually
Their views on sexuality education for elementary children were very apathetic and largely opposing, whereas, when asked about sexuality education in middle school and high school, they were more neutral and favorable to the idea. The audience has yet to be able to envision the significance of why sexuality education is so important in society today. To persuade the audience we will inform them about the prevalence of teen pregnancy and STIs, and how they can be prevented by simply giving youth and adults the proper education they need to make responsible decisions. The audience is so against sexuality education for elementary, we presume, because they are focused on the idea of it causing those young children to consider having intercourse. We believe that the audience is targeting an idea, and distorting it. Through audience analysis, we determined that the audience themselves have not undergone comprehensive sexuality education, or experienced any actual sexuality education. Their inexperience in this field is likely clouding their judgement, as they may not have investigated the subject further. We will acquaint them with the information that comprehensive sexuality education focuses on age appropriate material. Our delivery choices include fear and positive appeals, and a great use of ethos, logos and pathos. Statistical data inflicts a fear appeal, and assists in the extension of logos. To achieve pathos, we will bring up the audience’s possible children or younger siblings, and even a couple of accounts of people who had to deal with the consequences of not being sexually